Special Fund
Question 1: When does one qualifies to benefit from the fund?
The qualifying criteria’s are as follows
- Namibian Citizen
- State patient
- Not able to be treated at any state facility due to the unavailability of the necessary medical equipment or medical personnel
Question 2: How does one apply to the fund?
Patients are to be seen and treated at a referral or regional hospital (Windhoek Central Hospital, Katutura Intermediate Hospital, Oshakati State Hospital, and Rundu Intermediate Hospital) before they can be recommended by a state doctor to the special fund.
The fund treat conditions such as major cardiac, spinal, brain and abdominal surgeries, organ transplant, radiotherapy for cancer patients, kidney dialysis, special surgery for resections and any other medical treatment that requires treatment in an intensive or high care unit in a hospital due to post surgery complications.
Question 3: Do private patients qualify to benefit from this fund especially when medical aid can only pay a small amount of the total funds required for an operation for example?
This fund is established to assist Namibians that are unable to afford the private health care. Under normal circumstances the special fund only caters for state patients without medical aid.